Rutgers University Law School

Sahar Aziz is Professor of Law, Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar, and Middle Eastand Legal Studies Scholar at Rutgers University Law School. Professor Aziz’sscholarship adopts an interdisciplinary approach to examine intersections of nationalsecurity, race, and civil rights with a focus on the adverse impact of national securitylaws and policies on racial, ethnic, and religious minorities in the U.S. ProfessorAziz’s groundbreaking book The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes ReligiousFreedom examines how religious bigotry racializes immigrant Muslims through ahistorical and comparative approach. Her research also investigates the relationship between authoritarianism, terrorism,and rule of law in the Middle East. She is the founding director of theinterdisciplinary Rutgers Center for Security, Race, and Rights and a faculty affiliateof the African American Studies Department at Rutgers University-Newark ProfessorAziz serves on the Rutgers-Newark Chancellor’s Commission on Diversity andTransformation as well as the editorial board of the Arab Law Quarterly and theInternational Journal of Middle East Studies. Professor Aziz teaches courses onnational security, critical race theory, Islamophobia, evidence, torts, and Middle Eastlaw.
Professor Aziz is the recipient of numerous awards including a Soros EqualityFellowship (2021), A New America Middle Eastern and North African AmericanNational Security and Foreign Policy Next Generation Leader (2020), the ResearchMaking an Impact Award by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding(2017), the Derrick Bell Award from the American Association of Law SchoolsMinority Section (2015), and an Emerging Scholar by Diverse Issues in HigherEducation (2015). Professor Aziz’s commentary has appeared in the New York Times,,Carnegie Endowment’s Sada Journal, Middle East Institute,, WorldPolitics Review, Houston Chronicle, Austin Statesmen, The Guardian, and ChristianScience Monitor. She is a frequent public speaker and has appeared on CNN, BBCWorld, PBS, CSPAN, MSNBC, Fox News, and Al Jazeera English.