Linda Mulcahy

Professor of Socio-Legal Studies

Linda Mulcahy is the Professor of Socio-legal Studies and the Director of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. She has degrees in law, legal theory, sociology and art history and her research focuses on lay experiences of the justice system, use of the courts, and the spatial dynamics of justice facilities. Her most recent book The Democratic Courthouse: A Modern History of Design and Due Process, London: Routledge was published in 2019. Linda was an editor of The International Journal of Social and Legal Studies for over a decade and continues to sit on a number of editorial boards including the Journal of Law and Society and the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Law and Society. She was elected Chair of the UK Socio-legal Studies Association from 1999-2002 and has served as its Treasurer for two terms (1986-1989 and 2010-2013). Linda has represented the law and society community on a number of research councils and funding bodies and is currently a panel member on the UK government’s research funding body’s (UKRI) Future Leaders initiative. She has received funding from numerous funding bodies and has recently been awarded a four- year £1million grant to conduct an oral history of radical lawyering in the UK. Linda is committed to capacity building and mentoring of early career academics. With colleagues and friends she ran the Socio-legal Studies Association annual postgraduate conference for over twenty years and now convenes an annual methodology masterclass in Oxford for PhD students. She has supervised 17 research students to completion and continues to conduct joint research projects with several of them. Linda is well networked with the socio-legal communities in the US, Europe and Australia and is a Visiting Professor at the Australian national University.

Twitter: @LindaMulcahy7


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