Collaborative Research Networks

CRN35  Legal Geography


Sandy Kedar, Tugba Basaran

For more than a decade legal geography (broadly understood) has been described as an emerging field of inquiry within socio-legal scholarship. While interest in the significance of spatiality, place and landscape to the workings of the legal is increasing in quantity and sophistication there are few avenues for promoting productive exchanges among scholars scattered across a number of disciplines. The principal objective of the Legal Geography CRN is to facilitate communication and collaboration among interested scholars. The focus of our endeavor is the relationship between those topics conventionally investigated by geographers (space, spatiality, place, borders, mobility, circulation, landscape and so on) and those of interest to socio-legal scholars. However, we wish to promote transdisciplinary perspectives on these relationships and welcome the participation of anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, historians, philosophers, workers in cultural studies, environmental studies and so on. The CRN will also be dedicated to the principle of theoretical and normative plurality.


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